Informant Protection Channel
Welcome to the Informant Protection Channel implemented in the company SACLIBA S.L. after the entry into force of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.
The Informant Protection Channel is integrated into the Internal Information System of the company SACLIBA S.L. regulated in the aforementioned law, in the Principles of the Internal Information and Defense System of the informant and the Procedure for the management of information of Law 2/2023.
The purpose of the Canal is twofold, on the one hand, to make possible the communication by people who, in a work or professional context, referred to in Article 3 of the Law, detect serious or very serious criminal or administrative infractions provided for in Article 2 of the Law; and on the other, that these persons are protected against possible reprisals.
Therefore, the Channel has a subjective area (who can present information) and objective (the object itself of the information) delimited in the law itself.
Thus, for example, subjects such as those related to Human Resources, Labor Besieging, Sexual Besieging, Gender Equality, etc., must be used through the channels established for this purpose by the company SACLIBA S.L. through HR department
We guarantee that your identity will be kept secret and confidential during and after any communication you make to us.
You can anonymously contact the System Manager
Albert Casas 629183508
Access the Informant Protection Channel
Who can report? Subjective scope
- Employees and employees of the company.
Self-employed workers working for the company.
Shareholders, participants and persons belonging to the body of administration, management or supervision of a company, including non-executive members.
Any person who works for or under the supervision and address of contractors, contractors and suppliers of the company.
People in the framework of an already completed employment or statutory relationship, volunteers, scholarship holders, workers in training regardless of whether or not they receive remuneration.
Employment applicants in the company.
Legal representatives of the working people.
Individuals related to the informant who may suffer reprisals, such as co-workers or relatives of the informant.
Legal persons, for whom they work or with whom they maintain any other type of relationship in a work context or in which they have a significant participation.
What issues can be denounced?
- Competence
Financial services
Protection of the environment
Nuclear safety
Animal health
Product, food and transport safety
Public health
Protection of consumers
Data protection and privacy
Internal purchase and financial interests of the EU Fraus and Scams
Whitening of capital
Irregularities with the Social Security or the Tax Agency
Exempted Matters
Subjects such as those related to Human Resources, Labor Besieging, Sexual Besieging, Gender Equality, etc. will have to be used by the channels established for this purpose by the company.